Many gas stations across the country provide access to a car wash. Some are automatic car wash while others offer the coin car wash system. Which one you prefer depends on the kind of car you have and also the level of cleaning the vehicle requires. I shall explain the automatic car wash process in this article.
1. Go the gas station(that offers this service) and purchase a voucher for an automatic car wash
2. Purchasing fuel at the same time will save you money – no limit on how gas you have to buy
3. For e.g. if you purchase fuel first and then ask for a car wash the Supreme Wash price drops from $11.99 to $9.99. There is also regular car wash and a luxury car wash (superior wax material) is sprayed after the car wash, and the prices vary accordingly
4. After receiving the voucher (with a 5 digit code) from the cashier, enter this code at the entrance of the car wash facility, the door will open and advice you to drive in.
5. Drive into the room very slowly, so that the under spray can get as much dirt and grit possible.
6. Once you are roughly in the center, active sensors will signal you to stop the vehicle and put it to Park mode, at this stage the entrance door shuts down until the process is complete
7. The vehicle gets pre-soaked, shampooed and washed thoroughly. The various steps will be limited by the “type” of wash that you purchased.
8. Once the washing and rinsing is completed, the monitor in front will ask you to drive forward towards the exit.
9. There is a drier blowing hot air from the top as well as the sides. At this stage, you will notice another screen in front displaying the time left for the driers to run. In my city, they provide roughly 59 seconds, and they should be standard elsewhere too.